><>Welcome To Heaven <><

By: Alpha Omega God

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Sometimes it seems as if far too many Christians latch onto the notion that Jesus loves everyone, but that He loves some more than others. Some people, we might say to ourselves, just don't deserve as much grace as others. This notion is absolutely absurd. The sacrifice Jesus made for the world makes His grace available to each and every one of us, without playing favorites.

So who does this include? It even includes people we might think are or were not worthy of grace or salvation. But that includes each and every one of us, because none of us is worthy of grace. So to grasp how great the grace of Jesus is, and the kind of people that grace is offered to, check out the profiles on the pages to follow. And think about it.

Editor's note: While some of the people mentioned in this section might seem rather obscure or out-of-date in terms of what they did or when they were in the news (I created this section in the spring of 2000), the principle of God's grace is eternal, so references to dates shouldn't matter. Also, the reason I selected the people I did for the profiles in this section isn't so much for what they did, but because of how too many people who claim to be Christians respond in a negative manner to such people. But since Jesus died for all people, it doesn't matter what we think.

So what conclusions can we then reach about salvation? Does anyone (and remember, anyone includes the possibility of everyone) deserve to be saved? Nope, sorry, none of us deserves grace. So the fact that some of us are saved and others aren't is absolutely no grounds for spiritual snobbery, because none of us deserves grace. Each of us are just as bad in God's eyes as the most lascivious pervert or the most violent murderer. All of us have sinned and except for grace are going to hell regardless of how "good" a sinner any of us might be. That includes all of us--you and me. But the grace offered to us by Christ is not offered according to whom we ourselves think deserve it. Because we ourselves don't. And it doesn't matter that some of those profiled here are dead, because each of us will die someday, and each of us have the same choice each of these people have had to accept or reject Christ. Grace is extended to each of us, but on Christ's terms and not our own. But the grace which is offered to each and every one of us is offered regardless of how "bad" anyone thinks we are. Or how bad we think anyone else is.

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Its All About Love